Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS*
Chairman, Filipino United Network (USA)
How would you like to launch a historical fight against poverty and graft and corruption in the Philippines and bring good governance and morality in our government --- all for just a dollar?
You and I have always abhorred the pervasive corruption among our government officials in the Philippines and deplored the sad state of our country, where more than 30% of our people are languishing in massive poverty.
Would you be willing to walk the talk and invest a dollar --- yes, one single US dollar, and, more importantly, your support and commitment --- in the fight against graft and corruption in the Philippines?
Come and fly high with this historic Dollar Moral Campaign. Our country and our neglected poor need heroes like you in our battle for morality in government, for justice and dignity for our people. This is, indeed, a revolution. Not a revolution of arms where blood will be shed, but a revolution of ideals and of principle, where dreams and vision, sweat and tears shall bathe the nation clean.
A tall order? No. An impossible task? No, not with the Divine Providence and with YOU and people power! With these three ingredients, nothing is impossible.
Whether you realize it or not, the Filipinos around the world is a Sleeping Giant. A donation of one single US dollar from each of us, a painless contribution, will provide us an instant and at least eleven million dollars ($11,000,000) as a war chest in our battle against poverty and corruption in our beloved Philippines.
All this movement needs is your personal commitment and moral support, an investment for the future of the Philippines. Let’s not miss this opportunity. Let’s use our power to help change our country for the better and lift our suffering fellowmen and their children out of the gutter of poverty, helplessness, hopelessness, and indignity.
The Filipino United Network - USA drive (FUND for HOPE) is a commitment of overseas Filipinos to rally behind this crusade against poverty and graft and corruption in the Philippines. We invite you to be a patriot and join us in this historical revolution.
Please make your tax-deductible donation payable to: FUN Fund4Hope, c/o Dr. Ale Ragaza, M.D., Multicare Medical Center, 232 Boston Post Road, Milford, CT 06460, USA, or donate online as described below. The Filipino United Network is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Foundation in the United States, with Tax ID Number 261-71-7446.
For your convenience, whichever country you are in, including the Philippines, you may also donate on this FUN-USA website with your credit card, a globally accepted, encrypted, and very secure online mode of payment managed by eBay. To donate online, please visit and click on the orange DONATE button. For transparency, all donors will be published on this website, unless the donor requests for anonymity. No amount is too small or too large for this vital revolution. We are all together in this humanitarian campaign.
More than the dollar or peso, your commitment and support are what we need. Kindly include your full name and email address for our Historical Archive. Be a patriot. This will be the best dollar/peso investment you'll ever make, and help in this revolutionary nation-building campaign.
Each token dollar or peso "invested" symbolizes one Filipino patriot who is coming to the aid of our country, and is committed to support this inspiring and noble endeavor for a better Philippines your family could be proud of.
The time is ripe for this international humanitarian venture. Join this revolution, help our country and our people, and leave a proud and lasting legacy for our children and the future generations to cherish with honor and dignity.
*Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus in Northwest Indiana, USA, who trained at the Texas Heart Institute in Houston, is Chairman of Filipino United Network (FUN-USA), and one of the founders of Filipino-American Initiative to Transform our Homeland (FAITH), a subsidiary of FUN-USA. He is a columnist for four newspapers and two magazines in the United States and two newspapers in the Philippines. Google “scalpelpen philip s chua” for more information. His email address is
Be a patriot. Join this revolution. Please go to the
"a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt USA